Blog Post 1


My name is Annelise Fullerton and I’m 21 years old. I’m originally from California, but I moved to Alaska with my family when I was 16. My parents had always wanted to move to Alaska but didn’t want me to feel displaced. Their plan was to move after I had graduated from high school. We went on vacation to Haines and my whole family just came alive. I didn’t want to prevent them from living their lives like that every day, I didn’t want to be the roadblock in them being as happy as they could be right now. I told them we should just pull the trigger. Here we are! Almost 6 years later and we don’t regret a thing. I mean, just look at the view from our deck each night!

I love music. I don’t play any instruments, but I often wish I did. I would consider myself musical (as musical as you can be without actually playing music). I absolutely adore listening to music. I tend to feel transported by it. All my troubles and thoughts sort of drift away and I’m left with the feelings the music temporarily invokes. I’m a sucker for the oldies. I love old school rock, rap, and blues. I think that’s because it’s reminiscent of my childhood driving with my dad listening to ACDC, Pink Floyd, and Nirvana. One of my all-time favorite songs is “Mary Jane’s Last Dance” by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. I love live music, but unfortunately, I’ve only been to one concert. My sister surprised me with tickets to see Bastille live in San Francisco when I was 15. It absolutely did not disappoint. They were amazing live, and the visuals they had with the lighting used was incredible. I remember smiling the whole drive home.


  1. The Wrangell St. Elias Mt. Range is a wonder to behold. It takes my breath away every time I see it. We travel through Haines Jct. twice a year, but we never go over the range to Haines. I just did a Tom Petty tutorial last weekend on my YouTube channel.

  2. Wow what an incredible view, I am so jealous! That's a really awesome opportunity you had to move here to AK from CA, it sure is such a beautiful place! Excellent Intro blog post!

  3. Hi Annelise,

    Ya, wow, that is quite the view. That would sure make me come alive. I admire you for contributing to your families happiness and being able to create a new chapter with them, especially at a young age. You go girl.

    I also wished I had picked up an instrument when I was younger, but I am sure glad I have music to keep me company. I love your taste in music - cant go wrong with Tom Petty! I hope you are able to experience more concerts in the future. Have an awesome semester.

  4. Annelise,
    I also love the old school rock and roll. I have only been to one concert and that was for John Forgery with CCR. I definitely was an unforgettable experience as you described. Kind of weird though being one of the few young people at the concert that is for old school people.


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